Those Who Would Be King

Lysandra: The second of the sisters, Lysandra has chosen the path of magic. This young half-elf is a promising magus who has taken the role of Magister in the new realm. The Magister guides the kingdom’s higher learning and magic, promoting education and knowledge among the citizens and representing the interests of magic, science, and academia. In most kingdoms, the Magister is a sage, a wizard, or a priest of a deity of knowledge, and oversees the governmental bureaucracy except regarding finance.

Donna: The third of the Orlovsky sisters, and the only one with blood ties to the family, is Donna, a human barbarian and General of the military. Both strong of arm and strong of will, this woman refuses to let anything stop her. The General is the highest-ranking member of the kingdom’s military. If the kingdom has an army and a navy, the heads of those organizations report to the kingdom’s General. The General is responsible for looking after the needs of the military and directing the kingdom’s armies in times of war. Most citizens see the General as a protector and patriot.

Sylara Hearthill: Sylara is a halfling and the kingdom’s Spymaster. This clever and endearing arcane trickster has saved the day more than once with her subtler skills. The Spymaster observes the kingdom’s criminal elements and underworld and spies on other kingdoms. The Spymaster always has a finger on the pulse of the kingdom’s underbelly, and uses acquired information to protect the interests of the kingdom at home and elsewhere through a network of spies and informants.

Drera Bullroarer: This female half-orc is powerfully built, a natural bear totem druid. She serves as the country’s High Priest. Together with her bear cub companion, Una, they help keep the realm safe. The High Priest tends to the kingdom’s religious needs and guides its growth. If the kingdom has an official religion, the High Priest may also be the highest-ranking member of that religion in the kingdom, and has similar responsibilities over the lesser priests of that faith to those the Grand Diplomat has over the kingdom’s ambassadors and diplomats. If the kingdom has no official religion, the High Priest may be a representative of the most popular religion in the kingdom or a neutral party representing the interests of all religions allowed by the kingdom.

Keanu Leaves: Keanu is a vine leshy cleric devoted to keeping his allies alive and well. He also serves his lady as Councilor for the realm. The Councilor acts as a liaison between the citizenry and the other kingdom leaders, parsing requests from the commonwealth and presenting the leaders’ proclamations to the people in understandable ways. It is the Councilor’s responsibility to make sure the Ruler is making decisions that benefit the kingdom’s communities and its citizens.

Kirin: A female half-elven bard, Kirin serves the party and the realm as the Grand Diplomat. Her skill at diplomacy is matched only by the sharpness of her words directed against enemies. The Grand Diplomat is in charge of the kingdom’s foreign policy—how it interacts with other kingdoms and similar political organizations such as tribes of intelligent monsters. The Grand Diplomat is the head of all of the kingdom’s diplomats, envoys, and ambassadors. It is the Grand Diplomat’s responsibility to represent and protect the interests of the kingdom with regard to foreign powers.

Yossa: Last but not least, there is the vanaran monk, Yossa. His martial skill makes him the perfect Marshal. The Marshal ensures that the kingdom’s laws are being enforced in the remote parts of the kingdom as well as in the vicinity of the capital. The Marshal is also responsible for securing the kingdom’s borders. He organizes regular patrols and works with the General to respond to threats that militias and adventurers can’t deal with alone.

The Story Thus Far…

The Swordlords of Restov tasked our heroes with exploring and bringing civilization to the Stolen Lands, an almost wholly unsettled region in the northeastern section of the River Kingdoms, bordering the nation of Brevoy. The first year has been rocky, mostly spent exploring the region and dealing with an infestation of bandits united under the Stag Lord, a bandit of considerable power. Through no small effort, the Stag Lord was defeated and his fortress became the basis for the heroes’ first city.

As the building of the city began, the heroes continued their exploration of the Stolen Lands, dealing with all manner of troubles ranging from a nixie with an issue with the local lumberjacks to a tribe of trolls determined to eliminate the human presence in the Stolen Lands. But the greatest threat came to them in the form of a mad owlbear of considerable size that attacked the fledgling city and destroyed several blocks, killing several citizens. The heroes killed the beast and avenged their people, but the damage has been done and rebuilding will be necessary.

As we join our heroes, they have just slain the owlbear and discovered that its mate and two cubs had also been killed, leaving behind a single starving cub. The decision was made to adopt the cub and train it. They are still within the owlbears’s lair, smarting after the last battle and needing rest.