Shadows of New York

Shadows of New York is a Savage Worlds campaign set in New York City in 2024. The world is full of creatures of Shadow, things that hide in plain sight. That wasn’t a bugbear, just a hairy biker. You didn’t see an ogre, the shadows just made that guy look bigger. But some can see the Shadow for what it is. The player characters are such individuals, people who can see through the illusory veil and look into the heart of darkness. They work for the mysterious Department 7, an agency that does not officially exist. Though they are based in New York City, their adventures carry them far and wide, including other dimensions and trips through time.

Olivia: A concert promoter who happens to be one of the richest women in America. She wears Gucci outfits and isn’t afraid to flaunt her money or her feminine… wiles to get her way. A good shot with her 9mm Glock, she would rather talk her way out of a tight spot and she has the charms that make her perfect for the task.

Beverly Abyssinian: Beverly is the owner and operator of The Cat’s Meow, a cat cafe. Also secretly a mistress of magic and only recently discovered that she is the rightful High Queen of England because she was given the blade Excalibur by the Lady of the Lake. Despite this, she hasn’t let it go to her head and prefers to let King Charles run things while she manages her cafe and moonlights for Department 7.

Raven Blackthorne: Raven is a full-fledged witch, complete with familiar (“Charlie”) and powers to match. She runs an apothecary when not working for Department 7. Raven believes in being prepared for every situation and is seldom without her bag of tricks, which contains all the necessary materials for summoning, dismissal, or making a soothing cup of tea.

Samantha Strong: Samantha is a former Marine, and hasn’t neglected arm day since leaving the Corps. Sam is as strong as the proverbial ox, and a crack shot with her pistol or AK-47. Though she tends to be quite impulsive, she has a good heart and would risk her own life to save someone in danger, even if she didn’t know them personally.

Delilah: Delilah is anything but a city girl, preferring the rugged wilderness to the urban jungle. A skilled survivalist, she can hit a 3-inch target at 25 yards with her bow and could track a white rabbit through a raging blizzard. Of course, she isn’t without her quirks, including a strange obsession with Actual Cannibal Shia Lebouf.

Reverend Jason Flint: Hailing from the backwoods of Tennessee, this fire and brimstone reverend sees demons at every turn… literally. He is gifted with sight that can penetrate magical or mundane disguises. He is also a snake handler and carries three venomous snakes with him at all times. His prayers are often answered, so maybe there is something to his beliefs.

Benjamin: Benjamin is a police detective with the NYPD. Of course, his department has no idea that he also works for Department 7. Benjamin follows the letter of the law, if not the intent, but can be a bit abrasive.

Mongo: A firefighter by day with the NYFD, he moonlights doing investigations for Department 7. His tasks are made easier by his psionic abilities to read minds and bring up a protective field. Brave and courageous, Mongo exemplifies the finest traits of the New York Fire Department.

Fiadh Ferguson: Fiadh (fee-ah) is the team’s resident gadgeteer. She is a master of scrounging materials and putting them to uses that the original designer never intended. Fiadh is also armed with a 12-gauge shotgun and is not afraid to use it to help get a point across.

Linda McIlwain: A Canadian citizen, Linda has dual citizenship and is a highly skilled gymnast. Inexplicably, she is also a pretty good lockpick and can deal with security systems as well as any security specialist. Linda prefers talk and thorough research to action and is never without a plan.